Tuesday 12 February 2008

Cry the Voiceless
(part 1)

letter from Australia

1. 'lost in a city's concrete heart'

rummaging through 'class' dust bins
trinkets to salvage, exchange or barter
society’s debris chasing

spiked remnants, chemical enhancements
raunch-porn's 'in-your-face' decadence
promulgated by FOX, CNN, Hollywood movie
myspace, facebook, red-neck shock-jocks
by the slick sick chic celeb-culture
botoxed, anorexic heroines pose for media
lips so thick (smile's an impediment)
limmo’s to the local supermarket
to the local psycho-ward
but they reel too, in their unreal worlds
lack nothing / yet got nothing / know nothing
of the ‘free voucher’ world
inhabited by the ‘ghostly’ poor

who prowl at night

restless their unknowingness
angry, futile, static - what hope ?
what vision ? what future can there be ?
but, sitting among the ordinary friendly
sleepy public-transport worker-travellers
I learn

that looking out through windows
at backyards & graffiti
is best viewed with your back to the engine

Pamela Sidney 2008

Cry the Voiceless
(Part 2)

letter from Australia

2. 'while dark forces rule'

meet unobserved in seclusion
shift location avoiding observation
armed security beyond imagination
the privileged
white-male-secret-societies 'get on with business'

under the umbrella
of the New World Order they meet
Skull & Bones, Nazi Neo cons, the Bilderberg’s

mega-corps (Monsanto) media
royalty, Rothschild, Friedmanites
shadowy Illuminati
Vatican, MOSSAD, CIA
& fundamentalists:
Christian, Zionist.

these monsters secretly meet
priorities ?
instigate coups to install chosen tyrants
rightists, dictators & fascists
working 'top-speed' to implement
Friedman's 'free-market' economy

then there's super-agent Kissinger
scuttling to & fro across the planet
decade after decade
doing the dirty work for NWO
war & terror mushroom in his wake
master persuader
the world still jumps to his tune

& monsters who collude to assassinate
Presidents & Prime Ministers
who draft for their country
compassionate economies
President Allende of Chile' fell to them
murdered for his choice of social equity

monsters who conspire to eliminate
the brave ones who speak out
for peace & civil rights
the Kennedy's, Martin Luther King


a much loved free-thinker
whose song 'Imagine' will never die

these formless degenerates
pull the strings of the whole planet
global economy enslavement
under 'democracy’s' name

where wealth rises to a few 'elites'
where the masses are kept in poverty
economy enforced by military
at the point of a gun
torture for dissenters tutored gratis CIA
economy schooled by hard-line purists
from Chicago University School of Economics
welcome Friedman's Chicago Boys !

who 'advise' :

“employ Milton's free-market shock-tactics now

or else

we'll sanction you - endlessly - like Cuba”

despite your vote
despite your choice of government
they rule your life and mine
paranoid in their ideology agenda-driven lives
what for this countless wealth ?
what for this craving omnipotence ?

when they too, like all of us, will die
but 'giving in' is never on their agenda
perhaps some ancestral genetic tyranny
some ego-driven despotic insanity
remains in the genes

for sadly

they're born with relentless regularity
pre-determined to rule (it seems)
from beyond their graves

TV news-screens scream ‘terror’
'born-again' Bush
shifty-eyed 'n' sickly-grinned rants
a hollow freedom, corrupted democracy
while shady Cheney slinks, hovering in shadows
plotting the next (out of office) agenda
the next 'suck-up' to Hilary or Obama
manipulating already the Democrat arena

& America's god-botherers blunder along
insane, 'flat-earth' fundamentalists
small clique in league with Bush & cons
hysterically driving
their 'man-made' Armageddon
Apocalypse for a madder
bloodier Middle-East agenda

but don't you worry
corporation sky scrapers
will still rise
stock exchange shift it's trillions
while millions are
hunched ones pray
to their neon-green computer screens

but we are all fellow-travellers
illusion-chasers, heavy footprint-makers
the crap-in crap-out fast-fooders
the ‘I don’t give a shit-ers’
the plugged-in-tuned-out i podders
even the curly-haired
slender wanna-be-wolf-mother
swaying on his carriage-strap
reading MX
(for short attention spanners)

it's all
Das Kapital

Pamela Sidney 2008

* 'Wolf Mother' : local Melbourne rock band
* 'MX' : daily, brief headline newspaper for teenagers
(handed out free at Flnders Street Station Melbourne)

Cry the Voiceless

(part 3)
letter from Australia for Professor Edward Jayne

3. 'while here down-under'

fortune smiles a little for Australia
changes government to something 'softer'
less hawkish (we hope)
12 years in Howard's punitive wilderness

after the long agony
his 50s 'white-picket-fence' racism
we say ‘sorry’ to indigenous Australia
first time in history
a parliamentary 'welcome to country' ceremony
200 years after white 'invasion'

free of Howard, we sign on to Kyoto
applauded by the world
no longer tied to our recalcitrant
U.S. anti-green cousin
but still we long
for a foreign policy
truly independent

hope slowly drifts back
and I wonder will they ever

recognise’ each other ?
Israel, Palestine
as the oppressed slowly starve
behind complex honey-comb concrete walls
sealing off contact with each other
their open-air concentration camp
largest prison in human history

as Kenya burns
East Timor erupts again
attempted presidential assassination
a much loved revolutionary
Nobel Peace Prize hero
life hangs in the balance

it’s an uneasy troubled beautiful world
teetering on the edge of something
I’d rather not think about
right now
I feel another question forming
for my iconoclast professor
in cyberspace
who helps
keep my mind alive

Pamela Sidney 11.2.08

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